We have carried out in the factory a technical course on Safety and Handling of self-propelled forklifts according to the UNE 58451 standard. 🔝 A trained team is a safe team 🔝 for this reason, Taver Group is committed to training its team in all areas. ...

New logistic warehouse with 20,000 m2 of insulating  panel and more than 40 doors. A gear that has had difficulties but it makes  us proud of the end result. Teamwork has certainly the paid off. Let's go for the next 😉. ...

Shortly we will finish the project in Leganés (Madrid) of a new logistic center to the storage and distribution of food with more than 1500 references from the five continents for one of the most prestigious companies in the sector. More than 6000 m2 of Taverkont®...

A new logistics platform in Cantabria with Taverkont insulating panel has been practically completed. 37.000 m2 of warehouse destined to store fresh and packaged products for distribution 🚛🚛🚛Thank you to trust in  Grupo Taver. It has been a real challenge💪 ...

We already have the samples available with the new Packaging made of 100% recycled cardboard. For GRUPO TAVER INSTACLACK, taking care of the Environment by providing Eco-sustainable solutions in each of its cells is in its DNA. We hope you like it!!! 😊 ...

Once again we want to recognise all those professionals who are involved and work hard all year round to make the refrigeration installations perfectly work. Their task is essential for the proper functioning of thousands and thousands of businesses, regardless of holidays, weekends, long weekends or vacations. From the very beginning, GRUPO TAVER INSTACLACK has given value to...

Selecting an appropriate insulation panel is not enough. Choosing the right door has also a capital importance for the installation to be efficient and give us the expected result. Each installation is unique and requires a specific door for it. Let a professional...

Tick Tock, Tick Tock 😉 The project for a fresh product platform for large scale distribution in the Logistic Activities Area of Barcelona is about to be completed. Taver Group is at full capacity because this does not have to stop. ...

The only way forward to improve the quality of the environment is everyone involved. For GRUPO TAVER INSTACLACK, sustainability and the Environment are and have been a priority. All production processes have been developed to contribute actively to minimize the impact on the environment and...

Do you know that to preserve bananas in chambers, special care is required? • Bananas must move from one chamber to another, always modulating their temperature • When they arrive at the chambers of the large supply markets, they arrive green and need 4 days to mature, taking care of every detail •...