Every October 21, the international community commemorates the “World Energy Saving Day”, an idea of ​​the World Energy Forum that launched it in 2012 with the aim of raising awareness in our society about the importance of making a rational use of energy and the benefits it brings.

Establishing behavior guidelines aimed at saving energy -sustainability- and prioritizing the use of renewable energies -care of the environment- is an obligation, anything else is to condemn future generations to live on an uninhabitable planet.

Referring to concrete measures that take care of the environment, is talking about the need to promote clean energy and talking about electric mobility. On the first, the substitution of fossil fuels for renewable energy is an unavoidable step for two reasons, the depletion of the planet’s natural resources and the carbon footprint left by their consumption; on the second, the electrification of the current car fleet, the main polluter of cities and metropolitan areas, is necessary.

An important element for energy sustainability is the construction of energy efficient buildings. The main element of sustainability of a building is its thermal insulation, roof, walls and floors are the main points where energy escapes in industrial buildings, logistics and residential buildings (up to 75% of losses, according to IDAE ).

To thermally insulate a building, the polyurethane panel is one of the best options and there are solutions for roofs, walls, floors and interior divisions. The logistics companies responsible for the storage and distribution of fresh and frozen foods already know the capacity of the polyurethane panel as an insulating material of maximum efficiency; Hermeticity, tightness, durability and ease of installation are characteristics that make it optimal for home construction and to guarantee the correct development of many industrial processes.

At @GRUPO TAVER we give all our support to the annual celebration of World Energy Saving Day and we do so by celebrating it every day of the year. Caring for the Environment is part of the company’s heritage, being one of the guiding principles established by the @GRUPO TAVER Code of Ethics and which obliges us to incorporate respect for the Environment in our business practice and which obliges our employees to incorporate it into your professional practice.

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